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NLRB Rules that KIPP Columbus Violated Labor Law in Union-Busting Campaign

For Immediate Release
June 25, 2024
Contact: Neil Bhaerman,

NLRB Rules that KIPP Columbus Violated Labor Law in Union-Busting Campaign

COLUMBUS — On Thursday, June 20, an Administrative Law Judge for the National Labor Relations Board ruled that KIPP engaged in unfair labor practices when it violated Sections 8(a)(1) and 8(a)(3) of the National Labor Relations Act. The violations happened during the 2022-2023 school year, when KIPP management threatened to freeze the wages of employees if they organized a union and when KIPP threatened to withhold a caseload stipend from intervention specialists if they organized a union. KIPP ultimately followed through on that illegal threat. (The decision can be viewed here.)

As part of the ruling, KIPP has been ordered to post notices about these violations for all employees to see and to pay the caseload stipend to intervention specialists, with interest.  

The Bargaining Committee for KIPP Columbus Alliance for Charter Teachers and Staff (KIPP Columbus ACTS) released the following statement in response:

“This ruling further confirms what we’ve reported in the past, that during our organizing campaign, KIPP’s management engaged in illegal acts of intimidation and retaliation. We were not deterred by their actions because we, the workers, have the final say over whether or not we form our union. 

We are appreciative that our Intervention Specialist members will now receive the compensation they deserve in back pay and that KIPP will need to notify members about this ruling. 

However, if KIPP wants to show teachers, staff, parents, and students that they have learned their lesson and that they no longer intend to use bullying anti-union tactics, the best way they can do that is to show up at the bargaining table with serious proposals to reach agreements with us. Over the past year, KIPP management has delayed, obstructed, and drawn out bargaining because they have no incentive to actually reach a deal with us. While these bargaining tactics are legal, they go hand-in-hand with KIPP’s illegal anti-union actions. We are looking forward to making progress at our next bargaining date.”

Spokespeople from the Bargaining Committee are available for interviews.


The Ohio Federation of Teachers, is a state federation of 60 local unions representing approximately 20,000 active and retired public school teachers and staff, charter school teachers and staff, higher education faculty and staff, social workers, library workers, and public employees. KIPP Columbus Alliance for Charter Teachers and Staff (KIPP Columbus ACTS) was formed in November 2022 and won their union election in May 2023. They are currently bargaining their first union contract. 

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